Sharing the Gospel of Christ
Since its inception our parish has grown significantly. It continues to strive to bear more effective witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as expressed in the apostolic tradition and worship of the Greek Orthodox church. We invite you to also participate in this witness by joining the worship and fellowship of our parish.
Offering Your Time, Talent, & Treasure
Stewardship calls on the faithful to cheerfully offer back to God the gifts they have been blessed with.
Worship With Us
"Let brotherly love continue. Do not forget to entertain new comers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels." (Hebrews 13:1-2)
Our Parish History
Since its inception our parish has grown significantly and it strives to bear greater witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Join Our Bible Studies
This semester in Father's weekly bible study, we will be reviewing & discussing the Book of Psalms!
We Invite You to Join Us in Worship and Fellowship
The Worship of God - the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, - is fundamental to the life and spirit of the Orthodox Church. Please join us every Sunday morning for Orthros (Matins) at 8:00 AM, Divine Liturgy at 9:00 AM, followed by our fellowship hour in the parish hall.
Learn More »Online Chapel
Apodosis of the Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary
Visit the Online Chapel for more daily readings, hymns, a monthly calendar of saints and feasts, and more.